Imagine that you can pay for the real purchases and for Internet service by virtual game items. The idea comes true thanks to ItemsPay project. We created the whole service and the handy interface that helps you to exchange items for money. The target audience is Dota 2 and Counter Strike: Global Offensive players.
The creation of the trust image for the service was the main goal for me. So, the simplest and robust user interface, that helps to exchange items for money, formed the basis of the project. When I had analyzed the other typical services, I saw the that they had too much information that usually distracted a user. Therefore I decided to cut overlap and to underline the main function of the projects — exchanging.
There were also the sites where it was impossible to create the good UX because of SteamAPI restrictions. For example, it was impossible to create the lazy loading of items, the unique solution for such sites was unhandy page-oriented navigation.
In order to start the exchanging, please insert the Trade URL, which will connect us to your items’ stock. Then, the service will verify the exchanging possibility that also has some restrictions cause of security reasons.
Steam items’ stock has the using restrictions. We should take into account all possible errors and exceptions.
Payment system logo needs to be fundamental and self-explanatory, as the whole graphic interface should underline the idea of the project. Reliability — is the main word that characterizes the project. Otherwise, without all these things, you will never get the loyal users. The icons are also important for the service, they are used everywhere where the square image is needed, as for example, the social network icons, favicons etc.