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New Brand Of The Dutch Product For An Exclusive Distributor In Russia

What Is Nuvo Sport Fresh?

Sport Fresh is a unique and highly effective spray that eliminates stubborn odours with heavy-duty power but without resorting to heavy chemicals. If you are dealing with sweaty sports equipment this is the best way to knock out tough odours leaving a subtle burst of minty freshness. The probiotics (good bacteria) attack the bacteria that create odours and can even increase the lifespan of your sports equipment. Used 3 days a week one bottle of Sport Fresh should last 6 months.

Web Presentation And Online Shopping

The main goal of this project was to commercialize the new product, to present its general purpose and to describe its advantages towards the analogue products.It was also necessary to create an online shopping platform in order to promote and sell the product via Internet.

Ordering Forms

Using the online shopping platform you can order one spray or the whole pack (16 items in one pack). Then, you will need to complete address/payment forms.

How Does Nuvo Sport Fresh Work?

Sport Fresh odour remover puts foul smells out for the count without using harsh chemicals. Sport Fresh uses the power of nature and doesn’t just mask smells with perfume. Probiotics, the good bacteria solve the problem at source by simply eliminating the bad bacteria.

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